Integrated Solutions
We developed a cutting-edge hands-free biometric technology for life safety that uses an individual voice print signature and a pre-selected word or phrase to alert public safety authorities, family, friends, and/or neighbors when the individual is in imminent danger. ETG secured current and pending patents as a go-to-market solution that can be stand-alone or integrated within current systems that will revolutionize the safety and security landscape through innovative voice print authentication technology.
Your voice is your security.
Unlike all other voice-activated technologies, our solution ensures user privacy by refraining from storing conversations, sentences, words, or even sounds in the cloud. ETG’s MyVoice® ensures privacy and accelerates confirmation of critical details when summoning help.
The only patented, non-cloud-based, voice activated security solution with speech authentication
Next Generation 9-1-1 ready
Seamless API integration
Tie-in solutions with non-security applications (e.g. concierge services)
Fills unmet need in market for personal security and public safety
Easily integrated into existing U.S. security and proptech infrastructure